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No one in this world chooses where to be born, but dying poor is ones choice. The main reason why we work hard is to become successful in life. That is why one would opt to get up very early in the morning or work till very late in the night to find success. However, we come across things that work against us and future accomplishments. True to Benjamin Franklin words, "Most men die at 25, we just do not bury them until 70." The mistakes that hinder our success include the following:-

1. Lack of patience.
Yes,we want success but we don't want to work for it. Instead,we look for short cuts due to laziness or impatience. When we begin to pursue something we do it with tenacity, intensity and vigour but halfway, it all diminishes.That's where we go wrong.

The building blocks of success are hard work and patience. Learn how to work with the same intensity and enthusiasm to attain real greatness.

2. Satisfaction.
Probably, you went to the best school and attained a grade A, graduated with first class honour in campus, got employed in the best company in town. Everything seems good and accomplished. You feel satisfied, superior and a sense of accomplishment. You no longer pursue your goals, cause you think you have progressed much.

Don't stop at what you have accomplished. Reach out for more success and never let your current success hinder your achievements.

3. Attitude.
After accomplishing something and you get praises from people around,you began getting attention and began shaping your work around your ego.You start working on attention instead of working in your brilliance that got you there.

Learn to look at your public glory and praise as diminishing to your brilliance. Learn to take criticism to better yourself and your work.

4. Influence by others.
Letting other people's opinions and approvals to influence your decisions and actions, will cost your life dearly. Being blown here and there by the opinions of others, will demean your potential.

Set high standards for yourself and have a high degree of self independence. Don't let other people's word influence your actions. Be your own judge to value your life and work.

5. Dead creativity.
It creates an abundant amount of success and financial stability. It's that powerful. However, when we kill creativity by following the paths of others or doing what we used to do in the past can cost our success.

Learn to be creative always and think outside the box. Creativity will help us make money and connect with people hence make our future better.

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