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RAILA ODINGA has no University Degree | Metal Work Certificate

University Engineering Degree –
Only a Metal Work Certificate
We can now authoritatively
report that former Prime Minister
Raila Odinga has no recognised
University degree, and he has
been lying to the public for over
4 decades.
According to Otto Von Guericke
Universitat Magdeburg website,
the technical college, where
Raila purports to have attained
his degree became a University
in 1987.
Raila Odinga finished his studies
in 1970’s when the college was
offering craftsmanship certificates
for West German students who
specialized in Wood.Work and
Metal Work courses.
According to some insiders from
the University who mailed us the
information, Raila was awarded a
certificate in metal work with
many African students attending
the college specialising in
carpentry and joinery.
If you doubt the shocking
revelations you can check
on Wikipedia and see that Otto
Von Guericke Universitat
Magdeburg became a University
in 1987!
So Raila Odinga who brags to be
an Engineer by profession has no
degree and he only has a Metal
Work Certificate from Otto Von
Guericke Technical College.

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