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7 Reasons you should sleep naked

Good afternoon guys!!!

How Was Your Night
And Did You Sleep
Naked Last Night?
Here Are 7 Reasons
Why You Should Be
Sleeping Naked..

(1). Sleeping naked
allows smooth blood

(2). Sleeping naked is
good for people
suffering insomnia.

(3). It streamlines
and accelerates the
skin processes by
uninterrupted air

(4). When you sleep,
there is a release of
anti-aging hormones.
Sleeping with clothes
on disrupts this cycle.

(5). Women should
note that sleeping
naked is good for
their private parts.

(6). Though it is
normal to have some
bacteria and yeasts in
your genitals, too
much heat can
promote their
overgrowth and that
is dangerous. So, air
the area by sleeping

(7). For couples,
sleeping naked
enhances your


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