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News flying in indicate that Mejja calif recors or of the Kansoul might be dating Marya, the ex girlfriend of Mustafa. It is reported that Mejja has been sacrificing most of his time just to meet Marya at most joints in Nairobi town e.g Galitoz (near hilton hotel) so that he can "Chokoza" Marya with some snacks and crips that go for 300 - 500 kenyan shillings.
Apparently, Mejja is running short of money because the lifestyle of Marya is beyond babylon system chiqs, hence the reason mustafa had to withdraw from Marya without any good reasons.
Mejja is reportedly heard saying he nowadayz drink Keg during the weekends and anything to do with bottled beer is out of bound; a real economist.

We also heard that the motorbike next to Marya was bought by Mejja just to impress and win this lovebird, ulalalaHHH !!

Will Mejja Manage to drive this "MGUU KUMI"  ?? If so, for how long ??

By Toboa Siri

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