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Alcohol is a drug that is not good health wise despite its addictive nature. If you feel you are drinking too much or alcohol has a negative impact on your health like cancer, brain damage, cardiac arrest and stroke, you have all the reasons to quit alcohol.

Some people quit drinking without experiencing withdrawal symptoms while others experience or. You want to shake it of your system gradually than trying a 'cold turkey'. So how do you taper of alcohol?

- Gradual detoxification.
You have to clear your system of toxic alcohol products gradually. This is called detoxification. Some people can't quit alcohol at once, hence end up with withdrawal symptoms(shaking, twitching, severe anxiety). For such individuals they have to cut down the amount of alcohol they consume. This is called tapering off. One can taper off using alcohol or through medication. Tapering off enables the body to remove the toxic substances from the body and with time one can fully quit.

- Eat a balanced diet.
Ensure you have a healthy meal before drinking. It slows down the urge to drink and keeps the body very health. However,don't drink yourself too much after the meal, it won't be effective.  Drink plenty of fresh water to keep your body hydrated.Water also gets rid of the toxic substances in your system.

- Don't  give up on your poor self.
Probably you have tried quitting before and it just didn't work. You are now discouraged. Don't let that mentality corrupt you. Think of the hope you will instill in others and how you will be able to perform better at your work place. Let such thoughts fill your mind. Knocking off one bottle per day is a great deal. Keep trying.

- Flee from the devil.
Leaving some of your drinking buddies can be very hard. That pub you keep visiting every day is very tempting. Shake the devil off you. When you join the bandwagon you  gulp more than enough bottles of alcohol. You can save that with a bottle at home working on your future.

- Change your rota or routine.
You drink everyday after work or when you get home. Save some days to visit your parents, spending time with your  family or engage in a sport. This can help you pass time and kill the urge.

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