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I mostly had a week full of
thought on the relationship
between how people treat me
and how I think/treat myself.
I realized that we are a direct
reflection of how we want to
be treated.
Think of it this way, why
would you cuddle up garbage
like a teddy bear if it stinks
so bad? or would you throw
away sweet smelling cologne
that you like so much? I
don’t think so.
I was in a situation where I
had a close friend of mine
seriously disrespect me, I was
thoroughly irritated and
wondered why he would do
such a thing, then I sat down
and asked myself, where did
he get the idea of treating
me like this? It was then that
I realized some things in the
past that would have pointed
in the direction that I could
take in any kind of treatment.
Do not get me wrong, no one
is ever justified to treat
someone else in an unfair
and unjust manner, but in
my mother tongue there is a
proverb that says, when you
do good, you are doing it to
yourself, when you do
something bad you are doing
it to yourself too.
Next time someone hurls an
insult at you, ask yourself,
did I in any way make this
person think that this is how
I should be treated? Did I
treat someone else in this
same way I am being treated
right now? Or do I see myself
as a person deserving of this
kind of treatment? If you find
yourself guilty of the charges,
make an upgrade to your
image, assert yourself and
move on.
I treat you so because you


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