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Finding Love Again after Breaking up

Have you ever wondered how comes you have never found your true love? You meet a hundred girls or kiss a thousand frogs but no prince or princess for you. You wonder whether you are doomed to spend all your time alone. Can you pick up the pain and move on? Can fulfilling relationships be found after tearful break ups? When will your search end?

Many times, we tend to blame ourselves for our failures to find a soul mate. In reality, we are responsible for the success of our relationships and our life in general. We are always in control. When you start doubting your ability to find love, everything goes south. Our confidence levels fall and everything else doesn't seem to work as it should. While you have been successful before, now you can't find even someone for cold company!

In life, it is always either feast or famine. You either have a million people who want to date you just because you have a cute girlfriend or boyfriend or if you are alone, nobody would touch you with a 10 inch foot pole.

For those who value honesty, it might take you longer than you can guess to find love. Being single is one of the worst diseases you can find a cure for. Nobody wants to date the single. Even though the other guy is single and searching too, they want what is beyond their reach or what is tried and tested. So what to do?

For one, you need to go easy on the information you feed your potential suitors. Nobody needs to know that you haven't felt the touch of a woman comfort for the last several years. Just act like your just said bye for the day to your mate. You will look more attractive. This is true for both men and women. We only want those who are taken.

It would also be a good idea if you get back to dating, or meeting new people. The more you stay alone, the more it will be harder for you to find a date. Online dating sites are an easy way to meet new people without spending a fortune.

Meeting people in new places is also a good way to have fun while hunting. Treat yourself by travelling from your home or town and try new places you can find women or men. The beach, a new town, wedding events, musical extravaganzas etc. are a good way of hooking up.

Chat your way into a new relationship on Facebook, WhatsApp etc. Dating in the 21 century has never been easier. It shouldn't be a hard thing finding love if you try.

They say love comes to those who can still hope though they have been hurt those who can trust even when they have been hurt before . Be ready to try, is the only way to love.

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