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Kipkaren | Webuye accident

At least four people lost their lives
and 15 others were injured after a
truck lost control and overturned
at Kipkaren market near Webuye
on Sunday.
The affected people were trapped
beneath the truck and all of them
have since been removed and
taken to hospital according to
Kenya RedCross officials.
Kenya RedCross Director of
External Relations and Resource
Mobilization Wario Waita said
RedCross volunteers have managed
to take all the people who were
injured to hospital.
Sunday is a market day in
Kipkaren area hence the high
number of people affected by the
The late evening incident
happened after the lorry said was
destined to Malaba lost its breaks
and crushed people by the road
Struggled uphill
According to eye witnesses the
lorry was loaded and while it
struggled uphill, it reversed at a
high speed and overturned, hence
causing deaths.
"The lorry was heavily loaded and
upon losing breaks, it reversed so
fast and toppled, crashing those on
the way side," said Japhet
Elichotigo, an eye witness.
Police arrived at the scene and
collected bodies, among them a
young boy between ages of 12 and
The number of people dying on
road accidents remains high in
Kenya despite efforts by the
government to bring it down.


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