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Kabogo's son | Alvis kabogo

Kiambu County Governor William
Kabogo’s son is not shy about his
dad’s riches.
Alvin Kabogo ‘Junior’ a student at
University of Brighton in England
has been posting his expensive
lifestyle on Instagram. The videos
and photos are enough to launch
Kenya’s first ever ‘rich kids’ reality
One of the posts is a screen shot of
Alvin having a conversation about a
Sh600,000 Dubai holiday getaway.
“Dubai sounds like a plan yallah tell
daddy “moneybags” to get you a
ticket lol @kabogojnr,” it reads.
On another post, the fun loving
Alvin poses with his father and the
President Uhuru Kenyatta in Kiambu.
The caption reads:
“On the grounds of Kiambu County
with papa and His Excellency The
President... #throwback #teamTNA
#exchangagram #instagood.”
Heads up snooped further and
bumped into a photo of Alvin and
his Caucasian girlfriend Elena. In
one video, the couple, rumoured to
have dated for the past six months,
are smoking and choking on
Alvin describes the woman as the
‘most beautiful gift ever’.
In other posts, he is sipping
expensive drinks with his white
The University of Brighton is a
thriving, multi campus university on
the South Coast of England. Being a
student outside the European Union
could only mean that Alvin, has to
pay ‘international’ tuition fees for
degree courses. His fees is
approximately Sh13 million per year!


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