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Citizen TV actress Nancy Nyambura a.k.a Jastorina has dies

Citizen TV actress Nancy
Nyambura a.k.a Jastorina
has passed on. She used
to act on the programme
‘Jastorina’, which is a
local drama that airs on
S.K Macharia ‘s TV
The programme,
Jastorina basically
highlights the working
life of a housegirl in a
middle income home in
the city. The housegirl is
called Jastorina and she
grew up in the village, so
it is interesting to see
how she adapts to life in
the big city. She was a
great actress on this
She also had a cameo
role on the courtroom
comedy “Mashtaka.”
Nyambura had been
suffering from
meningitis, a bacterial
infection of the brain,
and it is also believed to
be the cause of death.
Just yesterday she won a
Kalasha award. She
leaves behind two sons.

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