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Obese man lost so much weight that he was detained by police


A 21st man shed so much
weight in Thailand that border
guards refused to let him fly home
as he looked so unlike official photos
taken of him on arrival.
Ross Connor, 33, spent £6,000 to join
a year-long kick boxing camp in
Phuket and by the time he wanted
to go home he was 13st .
He was detained at the airport until
he showed officers photos that
documented his fitness regime.
Ross, of Peterborough, Cambs, said:
“It was a worrying moment.
“I knew I’d lost a lot of weight, but I
never expected they wouldn’t let me
on the plane.
“But when they showed me the
image taken on my arrival, even I
had trouble recognising myself.
“After all my hard work, I thought I
wasn’t going to get home to show my
family the result of my year of
Ross started suffering breathing
problems and had trouble walking
after gorging daily on takeaways.
In March last year he decided
enough was enough and joined the
Muay Thai boxing camp on the
paradise island of Phuket.
For the next 12 months he worked
out four hours a day in the
blistering heat and humidity - losing
eight stone.

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