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Jicho Pevu's Mohammed Ali 'Before Aromat' (Photo)

Award-winning investigative journalist rose from oblivion  to prominence thanks to his chilling exposes on his ‘Jicho Pevu’ series on KTN that aims at uncovering the evil deeds of political figures, terrorists and drug barons .
Mohammed Ali  has received global recognition as an investigative journalist for this critically acclaimed and award-winning documentary series .
Just like any other person who has been on the limelight, fame comes with its share of trouble, he has had run ins with the police with even the Inspector General issuing an arrest warrant, he has been put on international terrorist watch and was most recently rumored to have had a tiff with former Classic 105 presenter Ciku Muiruri.

I came across a  photo of the award winning journalist before he became a household name.

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